
Information according to § 5 TMG

Schönfisch & colleagues partnership mbB
Hohenzollerndamm 124
14199 Berlin

Partnership register: PR 348 B
Register Court: Charlottenburg Local Court

Represented by:
Certified Public Accountant and Tax Consultant Dipl.-Kfm. Sven Balster
Certified Public Accountant and Tax Consultant Dipl.-Kfm. Philip Warner
Tax consultant and specialist consultant for international tax law Dipl.-Betriebsw. Robert Wichmann


Phone: +49 30 895 388 0
Fax: +49 30 895 388 59

Sales tax ID

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:

Supervisory authority

Chamber of auditors berlin
Chamber of Public Accountants
Smoke Street 26
10787 Berlin

Professional title and professional regulations

Job Title:
Certified Public Accountant

Competent chamber:
Berlin Chamber of Public Accountants
Smoke Street 26,
10787 Berlin

Awarded in:

The following professional regulations apply:

German Code of Public Accountants (WPO)
available at:

Professional Code of Conduct for Certified Public Accountants (BS WP)
available at:

Quality Control Statute
available at:

Seal Ordinance
available at:

Wirtschaftsprüfer-Berufshaftpflichtversicherungsordnung (WPBHV – German Professional Accountants‘ Liability Insurance Regulations)
available at:

Job Title:
Tax consultant

Competent chamber:
Chamber of Tax Consultants Berlin
Wichmannstrasse 6
10787 Berlin

Awarded in:

The following professional regulations apply:

German Tax Consulting Act (StBerG)
available at:

Implementing Ordinance to the Tax Consultancy Act (DVStB)
available at:

Professional Code of Conduct (BOStB)
available at:

Tax Consultant Remuneration Ordinance (StBVV)
available at:

Details of professional liability insurance

Name and registered office of the insurer:
HDI Versicherung AG,
H DI-Platz 1, 30659 Hanover.

The General Engagement Terms for Auditors and Auditing Firms dated January 1, 2017 apply. The place of jurisdiction is Berlin.

Territorial scope of professional liability insurance for the activity as a tax consultant:

1. germany

2. other European countries, Turkey, Russ. Federation and the other states of the former Soviet Union, as well as non-European territories of European states that are members of the EU or the EEA.
Insured are liability claims asserted before courts of these countries as well as from the violation or non-compliance with the law of these countries.

3. worldwide in the amount of the legally prescribed minimum insurance sum for liability claims arising from the violation or non-observance of foreign law, insofar as they have arisen in the course of business assistance in tax matters relating to the tax law of these states and the assignment is based only on German law. In these cases, the insurer’s obligation to pay benefits is limited to four times the legally prescribed minimum sum insured. If the agreed contract sum insured is less than four times the minimum sum insured, the insurer’s obligation to pay benefits in the aforementioned cases is limited to the contract sum insured.

4. the insurance cover does not apply to liability claims which are asserted from activities which are carried out via branches, branch offices or further consulting offices abroad, insofar as these are not included by special agreement.

Territorial scope of professional liability insurance for the activity of auditor:

1. germany
Other European countries, Turkey, the Russ. Federation and the other states of the former Soviet Union, as well as non-European territories of European states that are members of the EU or the EEA.

2. liability claims are insured,
asserted before the courts of these countries, as well as
from the violation or non-observance of the law of these countries.

3. for the countries not previously mentioned
from business auditing activities, if the contract between the policyholder and his client is based only on German law, from business assistance in tax matters concerning the tax law of these countries, if the contract between the policyholder and his client is based only on German law.
In both cases, the insurance benefit is limited to the minimum sum insured required by law.

4. worldwide for liability claims arising from activities carried out through branches, subsidiaries or further consulting offices abroad, up to a maximum of the legally prescribed minimum sum insured.

EU Dispute Resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
You can find our e-mail address in the imprint above.

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

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